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Your Library Has Gone Mobile 


Use Destiny Discover to search for books in our library - Anytime, Anywhere - With your Mobile Device.  


  1. Download the Destiny Discover App

  2. Choose our library from the list

   3.  Login with your username and password:

  • Username:  Student ID#

  • Password:   Student ID# 


Get Your Charge On!


We have installed desktop charging stations along the counter top seating area in the library.  These stations are equipped with two USB ports and three outlets to make charging your devices a little easier!  

Green Screen Media Room


Come to the library and see our new Green Screen Media room.  You can reserve this space whenever it is available and create pictures and videos using our equipment.   See Ms. V at the library desk to reserve your time.  


By September, our Library aides will be able to help students who are unsure about using this technology.  It can be a fun way to spice up your class projects.  

Need to Print?


If you need to print something out for class, save it to your Google Drive and then come to the library.  We have a lab of 10 computers in the library and 2 printers.  Printing from here is free, but remember to print wisely.  If something doesn't print the first time, please ask for help.  Don't send it over and over again.  Remember, we are here to help, so just ask!



Board Games in the Library


We have board games and cards in the library.  You can play UNO, Chess, Checkers, Dominos, Jenga, or Farkle.  We also have a few card decks.  All you need to do is come to the library desk and ask for one of the games in exchange for your ID card.  We'll give you the card back when you are finished with your game.


Have a suggestion for a game?  Let us know and we'll see if we can get it for you.   

Have a Suggestion?


Is there a book, magazine or game that you would like to see in the library?  A favorite author or series?  Is there a service you'd like us to provide?  Is there a way we can make the library better for students and staff at KHS?  Let us know by placing your comment or suggestgion into the jar at the library counter.  We want to hear from you!


Device Charging Station


Are you running low on battery?  Is your phone dead or dying?  Come to the library and use our cool charging station.  We have cables for different types of devices, so come on in!




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