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9th Grade 

Grade 9 Orientation 

Welcome to the library!  Learn about the library and all it has to offer by completing the Library Scavenger Hunt.  Everything you need to know can be found by looking around the library.  Look on the walls, visit the displays and browse the shelves.  You will also need a copy of our Library Information Brochure.  

Grade 9 Book Trailers

Students will create a book trailer for their chosen novels. These trailers will be published on the library website and will be accessible to other students who are looking for reading recommendations. Click on the link below to start the activity.  


Book Trailer Project Link



Grade 9 Google Classroom Lessons

Students will be working on various research projects throughout the school year.  Each class of students has its own Google Classroom page.  The code for that page will be given out to students when they come in to the the library.  



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