APA Citation Guide
Articles from an Online Database
To cite an image, include the following in this order, as applicable:
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial.
You may not have all of this information…
Fill in what you have and SKIP the rest.
(Date of publication).
Title of Article.
Title of Journal,
Volume #
(issue or number),
Page range.
Retrieved from
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Date of publication). Title of article. Title of Journal, volume number, page range.
Retrieved from http://www.someaddress.com/full/url/
Smyth, A. M., Parker, A. L., & Pease, D. L. (2002). A study of enjoyment of peas. Journal of Abnormal Eating, 8(3),
120-125. Retrieved from http://www.articlehomepage.com/full/url/
Articles from Website
To cite an image, include the following in this order, as applicable:
You may not have all of this information…
Fill in what you have and SKIP the rest.
Author’s Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial.
(Date of publication).
Title of Article.
Retrieved from
Vallenari, L. M. (2017). Researching in the digital age. Retrieved from www.somerandomweb.com
Morgan, B. (2017, September 5). Crime scene investigations and you. Retrieved from www.crime.com
Your APA citation for video contains the following elements in this order:
Producter's Last Name, First Initial (Producer) &
Director's Last Name, First Initial (Director).
Title [Format].
Available from URL
Paley, Nina (Producer & Director). (2008) Sita sings the blues. United States. Available from
Shimabukuro, J. (2006, April 22). Ukulele weeps [Video file]. YouTube. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/.
Spielberg, S., Royce, I., Gordon, M., & Levinson, G. (Producers), & Spielberg, S. (Director). (2004). Saving Private
Ryan [DVD]. United States: Universal.
To cite a music recording, provide the following information in this order:
Composer Last Name, First Initial.
Composition Title.
[Recorded by Artist].
On Title of Recording.
Retrieved from Database Name or URL
Namahoe, C. (1929). Le Nani [Recorded by G. Keawe]. On Hana hou! Vol. 1 [CD]. Honolulu: Hula Records.
Maddeford, L. (2006, January 28). Russian roulette [Audio file]. Music Alley. Retrieved from
To cite an image, include the following in this order:
Creator's Last name, First Initial.
(Year, Month Day).
Title of image
Retrieved from Database or URL.
Severns, T. (2010, January 19). Games at the library [Photograph]. Flickr. Retrieved from www.flickr.com/.
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Fill in what you have and SKIP the rest.
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You may not have all of this information...
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Pay attention to punctuation!
You may not have all of this information...
Fill in what you have and SKIP the rest.
Pay attention to punctuation!
You may not have all of this information...
Fill in what you have and SKIP the rest.
Pay attention to punctuation!
You may not have all of this information...
Fill in what you have and SKIP the rest.
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